I got Allysa a scooter for her birthday- we just bought it today. It is SO fun! I've actually been riding it a lot more than she has- it's a manual transmission, and she's a little wary of the whole "shifting" thing.
We haven't taken it out of the parking lot yet, and I guess we probably won't until we go and get a motorcycle learner's permit- which we're hoping to do next week (I need to get a Georgia license and plates anyway, so it will work out nicely). I can't wait to take it out on the open road.
I've gotten it up to third gear in the parking lot, and it felt like I was going SO fast- then I look down and I'm going like 10-15 mph tops. I'm so excited to see what going 35 is going to feel like. I think it'll be great for tooling around our little neighborhood.
It's a 2003 Genuine Stella, which I guess is just a Vespa re-branded for manufacture and sale in the US. It's a really cute vintagey looking thing, I just love it.

I love it, very retro-looking. Happy Birthday Allysa!
Thanks, Hil! It is really fun! I love just holding on to Nathan as he goes really fast (which apprently isnt that fast at all but sure feels like it). I love it! Thanks so much Nathan.
I love the look, and the color. It's got such a 50s look to it. How big is the emgine? How fast WILL it go? Is there a big harley in the future? I was looking at Vespa before I settled on the Maliguti because of the retro look. Decided that I'd go for performance and a really modern style instead. You're going to have a ton of fun with it! One hint, start looking for out of the way quick routes to get places. You avoid the dangers of traffic and get to see parts of the city you normally wouldn't with a car.
Yeah, I love the look, too! I've really fallen in love with it. We were originally going to get it painted, but the color has really grown on us- I think it adds to that vintage look.
The engine is 150cc, and they tell me it will go 55- though I doubt I will ever find that out!
I do plan on back roading it wherever I need to go- definitely no freeway riding in this little bike's future. I know you are the master of that, it'll probably take me some time to learn the area around here. I am definitely hoping to be able to use this for my upcoming commute on nice days, so I'll have to find a back way to get to wherever our new office will be.
I love it, though! I think we may end up having to get another one... I feel like I've been stealing Allysa's birthday present away :)
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