The Teskes
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Thursday, May 18, 2006
New Computer
One more recent event of note: while I was stuck in Covington, actually the first day I got there, my computer died. My brand new I-spent-way-too-much-money-on-it fancy-schmancy tablet pc laptop, it just up and died- wouldn't even boot up to the BIOS. After a day of struggling with it, my boss gave up on it and ordered me a new laptop. I had paid for the first one myself, and he's been wanting to buy me a computer for legal reasons anyway, since I'm not "supposed" to be working on non-company computers. So I guess it wasn't a hard sell.
The kicker? I got a Mac! One of those new Intel-based MacBook Pros. It's really really awesome. I'm still getting used to it, but on the whole I couldn't be happier. Here are some pictures of it, in all it's Apple goodness.
Here it is running Windows XP, in a window, in Mac OSX. So I can do all my Windows development inside a tightly-controlled little sandbox, without having to worry about Windows blowing up all over my laptop. That's a really nice thing!

And here it is with my smiling face on it! It's got a built-in video camera, which the OS takes great advantage of (one of the first things it had me do when I started it up was take a picture of myself, which it uses for the login screen, IM, and email).

Our Apartment
I realize now that I've been neglecting this blog! :) So you're about to get a ton of pictures and information...

First off, here's a fun picture from way back before our move to Atlanta. We have so much junk!! We managed to get rid of a lot of it before and after the move, but still needed to get storage space here in Atlanta to hold all the stuff we couldn't bear to part with (even though we don't really need it in our daily lives)

Here's our apartment, which I'm not sure any of you have seen pictures of. This is right after we moved in, Allysa's mom bought us a new couch and a washer and dryer. So, it's pretty much empty except for those things.

Here's the place after our stuff was moved in - yikes!

And here's a random collection of fairly up-to-date photos. Some are older than others, and some I scribbled on to note the improvements we (and our helpful neighors/family) made.

There are lots, LOTS more pictures- I had to be pretty selective so as not to deluge everyone in picture overload :) Maybe we'll post some more later.
Goin' Back Down South
Feels like I just got back from Louisiana, but we're heading right back out there tomorrow. Not sure why I'm inflicting this on myself :) It was 95 and muggy and buggy every day I was in Covington- misery upon misery!
But this trip (I hope!) will be much more fun. Our niece's birthday party is Saturday, there'll be a pool and a moonwalk, so that should be a blast. Then Tuesday is my sister Rebecca's graduation. She's graduating from the same high school I graduated from, 9 years or so ago. What a strange feeling.
Then, when we get back, grandma and grandpa are going to come visit for a day on their way up to Wisconsin. I love how that works out! It'll be great to see them. I wish we had room to put them up, but... well, we don't! It's pretty much a studio apartment over here.
Otherwise, no real news to report. I'm still totally exhausted from that last work trip to Covington. It completely wiped me out. I have some hope that this little vacation will be restorational- but in my experience, trips to Louisiana rarely are. Too much family to see, too little time to just sit and relax. Which, in my opinion, is the whole point of a vacation anyway.
Maybe when I get back I'll start sewing again. I definitely need a hobby or project of some kind. I'm not sure I shared my last one with everyone on here... did I? Well, if so I'll just have to subject you all to it again:

It's a big monster stuffed animal for our niece's birthday. I hope she likes it!
No need for Noah

Well, the rain finally let up a bit. It seemed like it was raining for 40 days and 40 nights. Weather guys said we only got 4 inches, but it came CONSTANTLY for over a week. The cats were starting to grow webs between their toes! It was nice when I left for work today/yesterday on my scooter, great double rainbow, and when I almost reached work, it started to rain again! Maybe someone was trying to tell me something. Anyway, I had no camera with me so you'll have to settle for an old photo that kind of looks like the one today. Also, if no one else posts to this blog, I'll continue to put on old embarassing photos for the world to see! You've been warned!
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Hi all! Sorry I didn't throw anything on here yet, but i've been waiting for something really interesting to write. I give up, I must lead a boring life! Spring is sort of here finally and all the trees are blooming so I spend a lot of time outdoors just smelling stuff. Have been working on a project of sorts to create a curio cabinet out of old windows. Hopefully there will be a photo to go with this. It's not quite done, I'm actually in the middle of making it look "older"., but you should get the idea. take care, vince
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Blog Changes
While I'm here, I thought I'd drop a line! I plan on making some changes whenever I get home and decompress (see below). These will involve adding avatar icons for everyone, which I need pictures for. So, send me pictures! Of yourselves, preferably, one that you think would turn into a good smiling face for us all to see by your messages.
Also, I'll be turning on email notifications for everyone. This means that emails will get sent to you anytime someone posts- that way, you don't have to check back here to know when there's new stuff to read. If you ever get sick of these emails, let me know! I can turn them off easily.
So, as for me- I've been stuck in Covington, LA for over a week now. We were called in here for what was supposed to be a friendly developer get-together, and quickly turned into a 16-hour day week of horribleness that has drained me so completely that I can't think of a good metaphor for how drained I am. I'm hoping to go home tomorrow- my friend Kevin, who I rode in with, is so angry and frustrated that he's declared he's leaving tomorrow morning no matter what, and has currently stormed back to his hotel room. So, it's looking good for me leaving... but I've thought that almost every day I've been here- I'm trying not to get my hopes up.
Love to all- and I'm really excited about our new nephew/niece!!
If my mom hasn't told the entire world....Dave and I are going to have a baby. He or she will be here in January. We are very excited and feel very blessed! Love, Dave and Hill, Baby, Soph, Meg, and Zig
Friday, May 05, 2006
Looks like I made it!
Hey everyone!
These blogs are great. Nathan made one for my family and it is really such a great way to keep in touch! We are constantly on it.
Well, Happy Birthday, Nathan!
Sending love to you all.